Your business is your people. Boost employee engagement, give the right feedback, recognize their efforts, and ask their opinions via surveys, all on the same platform.

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Companies of all sizes uses JOP

Engage your teams with OKRs

Don’t just make objectives for people. Enable them to connect with their roles and business. Provide the purpose and facilitate engaging workplace practices to achieve your key business goals.

Make work more meaningful

People do more when they find their work meaningful. Train them to connect their roles and responsibilities to OKRs. Check your OKR progress anytime on JOP, align, and get back on track.

Practice Continuous Performance Management

Real-time employee feedback facilitates high-performance and individual growth. Monitor progress on OKRs and engage your people with two-way feedback on JOP. Not just that, recognize your people instantly and openly with achievement badges.

Nurture a fair work environment

Fair chances and transparent company-wide progress are encouraging. OKRs are visible to each team member. You see more collaborative initiatives from everyone. Public employee recognition on JOP lifts their morale and drives healthy competition.

Get ideal tools to engage your employees

Practice two-way feedback, appreciate your people and run dedicated surveys to boost employee engagement and enable high performance.


Constructive feedback is vital to improving performance. Conduct two-way continuous feedback to make people connect with their progress, work, and critical business goals.

  • Request your manager for feedback.
  • Give constructive feedback to the team based on their OKR progress.
  • Start the culture of continuous performance management with two-way feedback
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Public employee recognition is empowering. Celebrate small to big wins instantly on JOP.

  • Continuously recognize your employees to boost their morale.
  • Further encourage your employees by starting peer-peer recognition.
  • Tag people and give a shout-out publicly with your feedback and achievement badges.
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Voice Surveys

Use surveys to measure employee engagement and listen to your teams. Gather valuable feedback and data to lift employee engagement.

  • Collect meaningful employee feedback and suggestions with anonymous surveys on JOP.
  • Implement valuable insights from these surveys to engage your employees better.
  • Plan and conduct regular surveys to measure employee engagement in a period.
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Wall of Joy

The true joy of performing comes from feeling valued, motivated, recognized, and engaged.

  • Celebrate people, wins, work, anniversaries, and teamwork by interacting with posts.
  • Check employee satisfaction by tracking monthly employee mood data.
  • Get essential updates like employee surveys and new OKRs.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I give feedback to my team members on their OKR progress?

It's simple. Just see where they stand and give constructive feedback on their progress. Follow this path after logging in to JOP. Feedback tab > Give feedback > Select recipient > Write feedback > Submit Your feedback should help your team members improve their performance and learn from their mistakes.

How do I give employee recognition on JOP?

Giving recognition is easy on JOP. Here is a path: Feedback tab > Give feedback > Badges (select your badge) > Select recipient > Write feedback > Submit

How can I encourage peer-to-peer employee recognition among my team members on JOP?

You take the initiative to acknowledge your team's contributions regularly on JOP and request everyone to follow the same suit. Ask your teammates about this in your regular OKR check-ins.

What are voice surveys, and how do they help measure employee engagement?

Voice surveys are simple surveys designed to get your employees' opinions, feedback, and suggestions. You can ask specific questions, objective and subjective, to measure employee engagement in your company. Here are some examples.

What is continuous performance management, and how can I implement it in my team?

In continuous performance management, you engage in ongoing feedback and coaching rather than annual performance reviews. You aim to create a more dynamic and collaborative approach to performance management that focuses on growth and development than just evaluation. You can start by testing it within a team and figuring out the best way to achieve this framework. When you start doing it well, execute it in the whole organization.