An engaged worker is someone who participates in the company on a regular basis, both in terms of turning up for work each day and being noticed and appreciated for their efforts. However, disengaged workers are those who appear to be at the office but whose minds are elsewhere. A company’s vitality and success may be gauged by the level of employee engagement inside it. A large percentage of disgruntled workers may be an indicator of systemic problems in the company, such as a toxic atmosphere or a muddled understanding of each employee’s specific responsibilities and expertise.
But before we get into how to improve employee engagement with OKR software, let’s examine the impact that disengaged workers have on others around them. The reason is that workers cannot function independently. They may and do become affected by the feelings and behaviors of their coworkers. Everyone may view this adage with a different level of severity, but it’s important to remember that it only takes one bad apple to ruin the lot.
Impacts morale negatively and creates discord in the workplace.
Negative emotions and dysfunctional relationships at work may affect everyone. Employees that stop by for a conversation but wind up venting about their day can’t always be silenced. And just because someone is uninterested does not mean you should stop trying to connect with them. How does one deal with a disinterested teammate or superior? Avoiding them as much as possible is not an option. Even if one tries to shut off the murmurs of dissatisfaction in the workplace, the atmosphere will inevitably grow tense and unsettling.
Motivated workers are the secret to any successful business. Employees who aren’t invested in their work might cause major disruptions. A person’s production and productivity may drop significantly if the peace at work is disturbed. Distractions at work reduce productivity because workers are unable to concentrate on their tasks at hand.
Workers in nearby departments who are also negatively impacted by a lack of attention to employee engagement will stick it out as long as they can, and then go for greener pastures. In the absence of any effort to rectify the situation, it is unfair to expect workers to continue making allowances for the eccentricities of their coworkers.
The Organization Stagnates
Employees that are invested in the success of the firm are more likely to come up with novel ideas and approaches. Negative results occur when workers are disinterested and unmotivated. They no longer have anything of value to contribute to the company since they have lost touch with its core beliefs and strategic goals. Lack of foresight in the development of novel approaches causes an organization to deteriorate and lose ground when no fresh approaches emerge. It’s important to recognize that not all workers are first uninterested. It’s possible that some of them were once even superstar workers. But somewhere along the line, things shifted. It’s possible they’re dissatisfied with the way the company is progressing. Or perhaps they believe their worth has decreased. Before implementing drastic preventative actions, it is vital to identify the root causes of low employee engagement.
Lowered Profits with Rising Expenses
It’s a result of workplace disruptions and organizational inertia. The expense of disengaged workers is high. They might be a waste of time and money, but they can also discourage individuals who are more invested in their work. Companies lose money due to employee departures. Due to the high expenditures involved each time a new employee is hired, trained, and brought on board, only to have them quit because they don’t fit in with the company’s culture. Or it might be that they had a hard time getting anything done due to unmotivated or obstinate workers. Disengaged workers lack interest in their work and the success of the organization as a whole, in contrast to engaged workers. Because of their lack of dedication and commitment to the company’s success, they are a major drag on productivity.
Using Software to Increase Employee Engagement
The best employee engagement software will improve upon the status quo. The key to a successful implementation of employee engagement software is a company culture that values and encourages open communication and feedback from all staff members. Organizations with low levels of employee engagement already have another problem to solve. In fact, after a company has made strides toward more employee engagement and motivation, it may use OKR software to keep the ball rolling.
The Value of Employee-Oriented Software
Software designed to boost employee participation in the workplace also facilitates employee-to-employee appreciation programs. Having a coworker express gratitude for the help you gave them by sharing information, coming up with a creative solution, or solving a problem they were having is another great way to boost morale and make people feel like the company is “ours” rather than just a place they have to go to get a paycheck.
Employee engagement may be increased by public recognition and feedback from performance management, both of which are facilitated by such software.
An employee’s own account is where they may access their own feedback, acknowledgments, and training options.
How to cut the bad management cord
The first step in fixing a management problem is realizing there is one and accepting responsibility for it. The following step is obvious: check all management positions to make sure their incumbents are qualified and have received the necessary training to lead teams, inspire workers, and produce desired outcomes.
Human resources policy and the culture of the organization should also be examined, in addition to the more general overview. If one of these is lacking, it’s time to establish a human resources department that prioritizes the well-being of its staff members in a just and equitable manner.
Create health programs, prizes, and benefits for your staff, such as office snacks, bonus programs, or anything else that will motivate them to do their best for your company. If you are unclear about what will be most appreciated, you may always poll your staff and see what they think. Employees who were on the verge of resigning may alter their minds after witnessing a change in organizational structure, which is a win-win for both parties and will help you keep your best people.
It’s also crucial to maintain order and inform workers of any personal or corporate updates. There should be weekly recaps, shared calendars, monthly meetings, and minutes.
Boosting employee engagement isn’t a tough nut to crack anymore, thanks to the availability of tools such as performance management software and OKR software. For more proficient guidance in boosting employee engagement, reach out to us here!

Gaurav Sabharwal
Gaurav is the CEO of JOP (Joy of Performing), an OKR and high-performance enabling platform. With almost two decades of experience in building businesses, he knows what it takes to enable high performance within a team and engage them in the business. He supports organizations globally by becoming their growth partner and helping them build high-performing teams by tackling issues like lack of focus, unclear goals, unaligned teams, lack of funding, no continuous improvement framework, etc. He is a Certified OKR Coach and loves to share helpful resources and address common organizational challenges to help drive team performance. Read More